Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Milk man in Ole Bangalore

When Bangalore was still a sleepy town surrounded by villages, the villagers would supply the Bangalorean's their household needs.
One of them was the Milk man who would brave the cold weather and dew and land with his cow every morning to supply fresh milk for our household.
The milkman had  a designated area inside our garden near the gate where he would tether his cow, and if there was a calf it would also accompany its mother.
The cow would make itself at home and bless the patch of garden with its ablutions for the day of large quantum of urine and a generous quantum of cow dung.
and the area for the cow in the garden used to be quite a mess after the cow and milkman left.
The ritual was simple the milk man would start milking the cow after one of us had verified that his milking jar did not contain water,
but he had a trick, he would have the water in the jar and while feigning to throw it out he would always retain some water in it.
Someone had to keep an eye on the milkman at work and make sure he did not add water and that his container was empty before milking the cow.
But the milkman would still take a chance of adding water, since that was essential in his enterprise of supplying fresh milk.
There was a small clump of bushes where he tethered his cow while milking and he would always have a bottle of water ready there, though his claim was|
it was to clean the udders of the cow, but whenever he got a chance it was added to the milk.
He would patiently milk the cow and after milking the cow he would measure it in his half liter aluminium measure and here again he had a few tricks up his sleeves.
The milkman  had a way of handling the measure so that there was residual milk in the measure and all of it was not poured into the vessel provided for collecting the milk.
If there was any excess milk he would take away in a container which he always carried with him.
The milkman's haste was in emptying the vessel before milking the cow and also while measuring the milk, when he milked the cow he was in no hurry since he was
waiting to add water if ever he got a chance or the person given the job to keep an eye on him was distracted.
Over the years the milkman too moved on and my mother switched over to dairy milk which was half toned, full toned and one of the children had the honor
of stepping out in the  cold morning to buy the bottles from the milk booth which used be built with Aluminium sheets.
It was a challenge to get us to venture in the cold, so the milkman thrived for many years supplying fresh milk straight from the udders of the cow, with some
water added whenever the opportunity presented itself.
The milkman is a relic of the ole Bangalore which was unhurried and based on relationships, but today the city races on in a mad rush leading to nowhere and milk
booths have been replaced with malls with tetra pack milk which you can store for months.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Love Share & Trust

Love, Share and Trust are needed in abundance in the New Year to make our lives meaningful.
Love is described in the as " A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness".
The key message here is of underlying oneness, the belief that we are all same in the eyes of the Lord irrespective of our position in Life. Hence loving your family, friends, neighbours and even strangers will make the world a much better and rewarding place for all of us to live happily.
Share is described in the as - A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group.
The key message here is sharing your time, knowledge, wealth, joy with others by selflessly giving whatever you can in time, kind or money or even volunteering to make our world a happier place.
Trust is described in the as - Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing ; also Something committed into the care of another; charge.
We need to have Firm reliance on the integrity of our fellow beings to forge strong relations and also build bridges. Trust is the glue which binds us together as human beings and which allow us to Love and Share, without Trust we will be living in a hollow and insular world.
Thus bring in the New Year with a reaffirmation on Love, Share and Trust in your life; The best day to begin is on the First Day of the Year 2014.

Wishing You and your family, friends and acquaintances a Year filled with Love, Share & Trust.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas in Ole Bangalore East

Christmas in Ole Bangalore East used to be a week of joy and merriment, the city used to be colder and we would have children singing Christmas Carols from Door to Door for chocolates and goodies.
The houses would be all decorated with lighted Stars at the key location of the bungalows and the whole air became festive. The Holy Ghost Church and the Catholic Center would be packed with the faithful for the midnight mass. Those were the days when Mass was still recited in Latin and many of us would join the midnight mass for the fun and bonhomie.
There were still independent houses or cottages with tenants living in the outhouses on rent in the larger properties. Alas the old buildings are all gone to be replaced by apartments and there are but a few still remaining waiting for the day to go under the hammer .... going going gone .The whole area would smell of baking and cooking and the aroma would waft through the air and tingle our taste buds. We would look forward to the sweets and savouries that our neighbors the would share with us. Well gone are those days as the area has slowly transformed into apartments, with carol singing confined to the apartments.
But there was time when the whole of Bangalore East would be dressed in their best clothes between the day before Christmas right through ringing in the New Year.
Though Bangalore East has transformed with the passage of time, the wonderful memories still stay on and spring back to life before Christmas. Merry Christmas to all my friends wishing you'll joy and fun with your family & friends

[caption id="attachment_706" align="aligncenter" width="250"]Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas and Joyous New Year. Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas and Joyous New Year.[/caption]

Thursday, October 3, 2013


In a fast changing world Honesty is the victim which is discarded as a liability by citizens who want to grow rich and accumulate wealth by all means.

The old adage Honesty is the Best Policy is under threat, as you look around you may be convinced that the Dishonest are prospering while the Honest are still at the Starting Line.

But then one can justify that dishonest people do not reap the benefits of their actions which is advocated by most religions or to quote the Bible "As you Sow so shall you Reap".

At school we used to have a weekly class of Moral Science where the virtue of honesty was imbibed for eternity into our souls forever.

The question which one asks in today's situation is Does Being Honest essential and is a good attitude to life.

As I look around me I find the Honest People more content and balanced and managing with what they have earned within their abilities and genuine labor.

Dishonest people stand out in a crowd,  for some strange reason it becomes easy to identify them even if we hardly know on how they operate, this is brought out by their very behavior and attitude in a social setting.

If you are known to be an Honest Person then the dishonest groups do not want you among  them , but being dishonest to be accepted is not the solution.

What is honesty, is is just not robbing , when we explore the attribute of Honesty it is more than money, it is an attitude of being fair, virtuous and respecting the fellow human who live with us.

[caption id="attachment_636" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Dishonesty lives a trail, like the shadows in the picture. Dishonesty lives a trail, like the shadows in the picture.[/caption]

Honesty is not about putting your fingers into the money jar, it is much more, it is your action, your behavior, your thoughts and your outcomes in  your life.

Next time when you decide to call yourself an honest person, check on all your attributes of honesty and you will find that you can be a better person by working on your shortcomings.

And when if you are ever in doubt about Honesty, thing of  what you have achieved by being honest and that will justify the need to remain Honest.



Thursday, September 5, 2013

Remembering My Teachers on Teachers Day!

Today is celebrated as Teachers Day in India in honor of the late President
Dr.  S. Radhakrishnan who was a celebrated academic and today is his birthday.
Wiki :

Teachers are the single largest influence-rs of Society in the way the citizens think act and their value systems and attitude to their fellow citizens. 

In an ever changing world the teacher stands like a bedrock supporting and nourishing their students. 


Our first formal educations starts with the teachers who teach us in primary, middle and senior school, they set our future course and direction for excellence and a thirst for knowledge. 

Then we have another set of teachers in college at our graduate studies and then as we decided to pursue more knowledge in our post graduate studies and beyond. 

As we progress in life we would be lost without the guidance of our teachers, they are the singular beacon of light that infuse knowledge and thought in our minds. 

As a teacher myself I owe my giving back to my teachers who imbibed the quality of sharing and giving knowledge when they taught me.

Today I am connected in social media to my teachers who taught me in school and gives me immense pleasure to see that they still retain the zest and enthusiasm for sharing even as they get ready to fade in the sunset. Once a teacher always a teacher.

Let us take a few minutes to remember  all the Teachers who have given their time and effort on this Teachers Day and say a silent prayer of gratitude for their selfless service to society!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

True Friends are those who tell it as it is !

We collect many friends as we traverse various stages of life, but we have a few true friends who tell it as it is !

True friends are those who have no qualms in telling you that your not doing the right thing and need to set it right !

True friends are those whom you can trust to give you a fair and objective assessment about something which is bothering you !

True friends are those with whom you are at ease in a few seconds, even if you have not met them for decades !

True Friends are those that help us shape our character, our career, our personal lives and also our values.

True Friends are those that realize that your purse is empty, but do not embarrass you when they pay up for you, they know it will be your turn another day !

Beware of Fair weather friends are like leaves in autumn who will blow away from your life after spring !

True friends are those who lend their shoulder when you are in distress, those who suddenly chat up with you when you think you have been forgotten !

True friends are those who demand you to do them a favor and command you to set aside an be with them !

I have a few  True Friends and I am grateful to God for having them in my Life !

Thank you my friends, I need no friendship day to celebrate our bonding, every day is a friendship day for me.

True Friends are those who will run the extra mile to be with you when you need them the most .

True Friends are not those who keep clicking their mouse on "Like" in your social media posts !

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="390"]Image True Friends may be like Thorns in a Rose bush ![/caption]

And one is a True Friend only when we value our friendship with each other and treat the relationship as sacred !

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Memories of The Kaka Tea Shop at Starbucks

I visited the Starbucks at Hiranandani Powai  and found it packed to the gills, there was a person at the door to welcome me and told me I could sit anywhere I liked and there were no reservations.  The Americano coffee large was good and nice and affordable and hot.

[caption id="attachment_119" align="aligncenter" width="225"]2011-04-07 07.14.20 There was comfort and sanctuary in the kaka tea shop like shade from a tall tree.[/caption]

It brought back memories in the early 1980's of the Kaka tea shop at Wheeler Road, Cox Town in Bangalore a favourite haunt late in the night for a cup of tea. Kaka is a term used for a  specific community from Kerala who specialise in setting up tea stalls and provide snacks at an affordable rate.

Some of the most exciting debates and discussions were at the Kaka shop whether it be politics, philosophy, science or anything under the SUN, there was always an opinion and everyone pretended to be the master. There was not internet or search engines  in the eighties.

Our knowledge was gleaned from reading books, papers, magazines from both India and elsewhere in the world, the American magazine was Span, there used to be one from USSR and one from East Germany, the National Geographic and the Time Magazine, plus we had access to books in the public library at Wheeler Road, Sindhi Colony.

At the tea shop there was only one standard brew; the same tea leaves would be brewed again and again, some fresh tea leaves were added for each round of brewing. The tea powder was put in a white cloth (locally known as thorthu) and tightly bundled. Not a drop of tea liquour was allowed to remain in the cloth as it was tightly wrung after each round of brewing; the cloth itself had its own distinct colour with no evidence that it was a white cloth at the beginning of time. The quantum of milk was kept to a minimum in the tea giving it a dark brown colour.

There used to be a credit system by the owner of the Kaka tea shop  for tea, biscuits and cigarettes to his trusted patrons, though he had a board in the cash counter "No Credit Allowed" .

The stall used to have a small menu of eggs in various preparations which included single omelet, double omelet and boiled which were the star items along with bread butter/jam along with a dish known as ceylonese parathas.

Our first introduction to Hindi film music was the Kaka tea shop, there used to be an old valve radio on top of the cash counter which would be tune to Radio Ceylon the most popular radio station for Hindi Music. We used to be entertained by Radio Ceylon blaring Hindi Music in the background  as we continued our discussion over tea and the smokers with their cigarettes about life, careers and numerous other discussions.

liquor was not served or allowed to be consumed  in the Kaka Tea Shop; only tea and snacks were allowed.
As we grow older we crossed the Road and continued our discussion over Beer at the Dolphins Bar and the Kaka Tea Shop was no longer the preferred haunt.
I still remember with joy the days spent sipping Tea at the Kaka Tea Shop at Wheelers Road; no Starbucks can replace the charm, grime and smell of a the Kaka Tea Shop at Wheeler Road, Frazer Town, Bangalore, India.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Mumbai Rains and Hovercrafts

The rains have hit the city of Mumbai with a vengeance and coupled with high tides we have large tracts of water instead of roads.


I remember taking the hovercraft from Gateway of India to Vashi many years ago, it was a memorable experience for my colleague from Ford Michigan.

I plan to exchange my car for an hovercraft, it could be the quickest way to beat the rains in Mumbai, the potholed roads after the rains and also the traffic if you use the Mithi river and the sea for navigation. 

Here is an youtube video of the hovercraft experience

Here are some of the hovercrafts which one can buy if you have the money, I also need to figure out if there is a licence required to sail through Mumbai's waterlogged roads in an Hovercraft.

But anyway here are some of the sites, my favorite is

But you can also check these sites

Found a buying guide for hovercraft on ebay

Anyone who is willing to join me for a hovercraft ride through flooded Mumbai ?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Baggage of Life !

We all carry our baggage of failures, bitter memories, and more from our past which is  like carrying a heavy bag as we trod along with the adventure called life.

We all know the lighter the baggage easier it is travel,  the old adage goes "Less Luggage More Comfort".

Then what motivates us to carry this baggage of life with us, which we know will hamper our progress and inhibit the joy and happiness we are entitled to you.

Maybe it is time to drop your baggage of life and go forth light and with a free mind and with no worry of the past and into a vision of a glorious, joyful future in your life.


Start today by slowly emptying your baggage of life by forgiving those against whom you harbor grudge and anything else that adds weight to your  baggage of life.

You will soon feel the difference and transform into a much better human being and will also have a more rewarding and satisfying life !

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Realizing the Buddha in Oneself

The more we contemplate inwards the more we seek to find the Buddha in us.Image

Gautama Buddha the prince turned seeker turned enlightened showed us many ways to realize oneself.


Some of the key to realize the Buddha in us is to start looking inwards  by contemplation, meditation  chanting or simply living the eight fold path and serving the community.  

Every one of them helps the seeker in realizing the Buddha in Oneself. 

This week is Buddha Purnima and it may be a good time to recognize that each one of us has the potential to realize the Buddha in us. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Gold ornament seller

Earlier this week I was with my wife to buy some gold ornaments at Tanishq (  and all went well until we paid the money for the ornaments.  There was scheme of gold coins as a promotion  and the salesmen told us that we would get two small coins but once we had paid the money the cashier insisted we were eligible only for one. After about fifteen minutes the cashier relented and give my wife the two coins, Image

When I told my friend about this he told me the cashier was smart, because by denying us the gold coin, he would have been richer by one gold coin from the promotion.

It sounded strange to me that a company that spent  money on branding and marketing would have the customers buying experience marred by the cashier at the closure of the transaction.

All i could do at that time was to tweet about the experience

Tanishq staff at Oberoi mall need training on customer closure at cash section!

But receiving no response to my tweet  I am convinced that Tanishq has no Social media presence !

This brought back memories of about 40 years ago when the jeweler visited my home.
A special place was made for him in the living room with a table on which he would set up his scale to weigh the gold ornaments he had to deliver or take back to be recycled.

I was always curious about the balance but he would always have a small weight on one side, my suspicion was that there was a flaw in the balance, but I was too young to ascertain that by forcing the jeweler to balance his two pans.

The jeweler was a great marketer and would always increase my mother's budget substantially during every visit. He carried no jewelry with him rather a catalog of designs and my mother would choose what she liked.  Today  we go the high street or mall to buy the gold ornaments.

But in conclusion nothing has changed, whether trying to pocket one gold coin or not balancing the scale, the finer points of the business remain same.

Gold, Gold ....all that glitters is not gold !

Thursday, April 4, 2013

You see the Ball when you hit it right !

I was in the putting range this morning and the sun was just rising in the horizon and I could not see where the yellow colored balls were going.
I complained to my fellow golfer at the range I cannot see where the ball is going, it is because of the bright sunlight ?

He told me "you see the ball when you hit it right !

And guess what as I concentrated and focused on my shots, presto the BALL  was clearly visible as it went into trajectory.


My strokes were getting better and I could see the Ball !

I told my fellow golfer you are my ZEN Master, you have unraveled the secret  of seeing the ball .

It is the same about life, when we do not concentrate and focus on our goals they slip and you lose sight of them.

Your life becomes miserable because you cannot achieve what you set out to do and you go about blaming the world,even the sun!

When we accept our limitations and work on overcoming them with focus and concentration we will see the light (ball).

Try this out in whatever you do and do share the difference it makes to your life !

Remember " You see the Ball when you hit it right !"

Friday, January 18, 2013

Alcoholic Anonymous

This post is dedicated to my relative who recently passed away and devoted most of his adult life to Alcoholic Anonymous.

He was an alcoholic himself who with the help and support of his wife was able to overcome the disease and lived sober to cure others of this dreaded disease.

Nobody wants to accept that one  is an alcoholic, relatives and friends push alcoholism under the carpet and ignore to recognize it as a disease.


[caption id="attachment_327" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_00000138 Alcoholism is a tunnel with darkness @ the end.[/caption]

Who is an alcoholic, the Medical Dictionary  -( defines alcoholism as :

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is defined by the American Medical Association (AMA) as "a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations."

A complex definition, but in simple terms anyone who craves for a drink at any time of the day and cannot limit oneself to moderate consumption of alcohol is an alcoholic.

Alcoholism is gender neutral and both Men and Women succumb to the disease, many famous personalities have faded into sunset with a glass of alcohol as a companion to revile in their days of glory and adulation.

Alcoholism destroys the alcoholic, their family, relationships, career and much more. It also brings in economic hardship and a sometime leads to a path of crime and other related activities to keep the habit alive and creates a sense of gloom and hopelessness.

Alcoholic Anonymous is the foremost group of sobered/former alcoholics and their families who help other alcoholics to give up their dependence on alcohol and help themselves to be liberated them from alcoholism.

If you have any friend or a family member who is an alcoholic do make sure that you contact your local Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)  Chapter so that they can help the alcoholic.

First recognize that alcoholism  is a problem and then act on it, you will be saving a life a family a career and much more.

Here are some useful links about AA.

Please share this post with your friends and family, there is always someone who needs help, love and care.

P.S. : I am not a teetotaler.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking Ahead Looking Behind

Every year we ring in the new and ring out the old at New Year, with pomp and celebration.
But let us pause to think ! We have lots to learn from what we have left behind.
Some are tangible but many are intangible, taking stock of this will help us to focus on our future.
We see people passing on, we make new friends, families expand and some contract, jobs are changed, we see ourselves different in the mirror based on our cycle of life.
For a teenager it is coming out into the world and learning to be an adult, for twenty plus time to start life in a job and as a bread-winner,  for someone in their thirties it is time to  work harder to achieve their goals, for someone in their forties it is time to discover the first grey hair and wrinkles and for those above fifty time to plan their retirement or reminiscence on how the world has gone by despite them and those over sixty it is time to start the downhill ride out of this world living and savoring every day they live and those who are luck to have crossed eighty every hour is a boon.

[caption id="attachment_319" align="aligncenter" width="300"]IMG_00002662  [/caption]

Whatever your age maybe is it is a time to look behind in the year gone by and take stock.
The lessons of success and failure  is our experience and is our most valuable Teacher.
Write down the best moments, best relationships, best success and also the worst moments, worst relationships and the failures in the year 2012 and make sure you learn from them so that you have a Wonderful and  Fruitful  year ahead in 2013.

Looking Ahead Looking Behind maybe the one of the best investments you can make for  your future.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

From the Palace to the Shack

When people transcend from the Palace to the Shack how do they adapt; the story of Buddha is one of  these life transformations where a Prince leaves the palace to become a nomad with not even a shack on his head.
Buddha's teachings and thought leadership still guide the destiny and inspire millions of people all over the world.
In an ever changing world how do real people handle this transformation which is handed to them without their consent, business downsize and you are suddenly without a job and no income.
We  find most people find it difficult to accept the changed situation and continue to live in their grand past, thus they become more confused and non-focused in their new situation.  Most people are never prepared for this eventuality and it is important that we are prepared for unexpected downturns in our circle of life.

[caption id="attachment_311" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The Circle of Life ![/caption]

Fortitude and Character are two key attributes which will help us through the circle of life and this we need to focus on strengthening these attributes  as we develop. How do we build equanimity in our view of life ! Can Religion help? Is our Attitudes and Beliefs shaped by our Religious interface and understanding?
If you are a non believer of Religion or an atheist then how to do you prepare yourselves for these unexpected events in your life.
One approach is to ride on regardless, just like a surfer rides the waves, you need to maneuver  yourself with agility and courage through the thralls of the currents of life and believe in yourself that you will overcome whatever obstacles that are placed in your path.
We have inspiration from many Asian leaders which include Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Sankara, Gandhi, Osho the list is endless, we have an equal number of leaders from the rest of the world where you will find the answers to guide your through your trials and tribulations.
Remember you are not the first to transcend from the Palace to the Shack, there have been others before you who have come out as better people and persons after their trials and tribulations.
Chin up and ride the wave of life! and Enjoy every moment of it as you transform into a better person and human being!





Sunday, October 21, 2012

Connecting with schoolmates thanks to Social Media

I am today connected to many of my schoolmates thanks to social media, I am connected  with my friends in all continents of our little earth but for Antarctica. But sustaining and rekindling the old relationship after many decades opens a new chapter in  our lives.

Digital connection is social media takes a few minutes, then you join a group made for your schoolmates or classmates and you now connect with more friends from your early and formative years. The Adrenalin rushes as you suddenly realize your school friends have also become old like you and have a family and the pictures belie their age.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="608"]Image We have taken different routes but are connected again ![/caption]

Meeting some of them in fresh and blood throws up new challenges,we suddenly realize we have nothing much in common other then our years in school. We have taken different paths to reach our life goals and  when we meet again it just seems yesterday that we shared a school bench.

The connect become stronger both in person and in our digital avatars in the social media.

Deep down in our hearts we wish we had more time and opportunities to set the clock back and be school boys once again.

How we wish we could set the clock to relive the wonderful days of comradie  and innocence and the joys  shared in school. Amen.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Tribute to Dr. M. L. Shrikant Hon. Dean SP Jain Institute of Management and Research

Dr. M.L. Shrikant has been associated with the SP Jain Institute of Management Research for 25 Years and it has been his relentless efforts that have brought this Institute to be counted among the best in the World.

I was fortunate to be among the first students whom Doctor taught at S.P.Jain and I value my learning from  this great  Guru.
Let us turn the clock back to 1987 when Doctor Shrikanth decided to come back to India and contribute to management education at a time when Indians were waiting for their visas to leave the country.
Doctor  joined as Director of S.P.Jain a Management Institute which was then affiliated to Bombay University for the Master in Management Studies Program.
In 1987 SP Jain had two outstanding qualities, it  belonged to the Bhavan’s family and was inaugurated by Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher, the then Prime Minister of U.K.
Dr. Shrikant has  a brilliant academic record; he is a B.S. ( Production) from the Michigan Technology University and an M.S. (Mechanical) at the University of Illionis.
Until 1974 he was one of the youngest CEO’s in India heading Mukand Ltd. He then went back to the United States to pursue his MBA (Finance) at Cornell and finally completed his DBA from Harvard the Mecca for Management education.
We were fortunate to have Dr. Shrikant as  the Director of our Institute and also as our Professor, he taught us to use the Porter's  Framework for Competitive Strategy at a time when Indian corporates were waking up to global competition.
Our Strategic Management project had to use the Porter’s framework. He hand picked several companies for us so that we could have practical experience in using the Porter’s framework.
We still remember he would refer to Mike (Dr. Michael Porter) and we were intrigued, until someone in the class figured that Doc had known Mike at Harvard. Our awe and reverence for Dr Shrikant was amplified after this discovery.  Doc  I still use the Porter framework for strategic mapping and it has never failed me.
It has been a long journey for Doctor and today SP Jain is ranked among the best in the world for management education.
Doctor this has been due to your vision and tireless striving.Doc has worked hard to raise funds to built a world class campus and a team of  outstanding teachers. Thanks to Doc we are proud to be part of the SP Jain family today.
On the completion of your 25 years in bringing quality management education to India and the rest of the world we salute you Doctor.
Doc your legacy will live beyond your time in your students who will use their education to make India and the world a better place for future generations.

Thank you DOC !

Bio : Dr. Shrikant M.L. : Hon Dean, D.B.A. Harvard, M.B.A. (Finance) Cornell, M.S. (Mech.) University of Illinois, B.S. (Production) Michigan Technology University. Chief Executive, Mukand Ltd. till 1974. Director on boards of several firms, in India & U.S., on strategic issues of Management. Areas of interest : Business Policy, Finance, Business Environment & Research. (Photo courtesy SPJIMR).

Sunday, February 19, 2012

#Mephisto and #Facebook

 Mephisto is a movie of the last century, but  the message of the movie is etched in my mind, especially the ending.
Well, how do you

enjoy this limelight?

This is the real light, isn't it?

What do they want of me? After all...
... l'm only an actor.
Source courtesy :

( More about Mephisto at the bottom of this blog).

Facebook has become every persons delight,  I opened my Facebook page and presto I had this lovely picture of the Miami beach posted by my friend with the time and date. Mobile computing makes everything a breeze. One button click and presto you have it on Facebook. Wow

Are we trading our soul, our privacy for the moment of glory to tell our family, friends and fools connected with us on FB our innermost secrets and not to forget everyone else who buys our data from Facebook. Facebook already has  our timeline ready thanks to power of its data analytics.

Are we the  Emperors and Empresses in the world of Facebook, just like the King in the story of the Emperor's New Clothes.

Well we seem to be blind to fact that we are naked in a digital world and even this blog I am cranking away is faithfully logged in by my browser.

Is Facebook the Devil, actually Facebook is the only the messenger, the Devil is in the details we post on Facebook.  Amen.

Source :

Mephisto (1981)

Based on Klaus Mann's novel, Mephisto details the rise of a Faustian character who figuratively sells his soul in exchange for greatness. Hendrik Hofgen (Klaus Maria Brandauer, offering an electric performance) is the star of a state-funded theater department who tires of his job. Like his friends, he pays lip service to socialist ideals fashionable for artists of his time -- that is, until the Nazis rise to power. He then sees an opportunity to achieve his objective of fame: he will perform propaganda plays and thereby use the Nazis as a vehicle to spread his name across the country -- only too late does he realize his mistake. This well-adapted version of the book featured the first teaming of Brandauer with director Istvan Szabo; they would later reunite to make Colonel Redl and Hanussen. Brandauer first gained attention in the U.S. after the film's release and would be cast as the villain in Never Say Never Again as a result. ~ Jeremy Beday, Rovi

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Year Resolution to Quit Smoking ?

Seasons Greetings and  Good Luck in 2012.

[caption id="attachment_202" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Like a Lotus may you have peace, transcendence, enlightenment, rebirth, beauty, and fertility in 2012"].[/caption]

If you are a smoker or want to help a smoker keep up one's New Year Resolution to Quit Smoking then you need help from WhyQuit.

I have never been a smoker but I have seen many friends succumb to the joys of tobacco, somehow of them have quit but many quit the habit only when the God Lord decided their time in this world was over.

In later November I was invited as a motivational speaker in Chennai when one of the participants Prince Rajarathinam came up to me and told me he had quit smoking after many failed attempts thanked the Why Quit site for motivating him to quit the habit finally.

I am sure this site will be useful to help you to  Quit Smoking which you may want add to your New Year Resolutions.

Here is the link to the website  :

And when you quit smoking send an email to .

All the best in Banishing nicotine from your lifestyle in 2012.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Indiranagar 100 Feet Road Revisted

Last week I was in Bangalore again and was on the 100 feet road Indiranagar before day break on a walk with my sister.
The weather was beautiful and with a good amount of chill in the air after the earlier nights rain.
Nature had taken upon herself to clean the roads and remaining trees on the 100 feet road, everything was looking freshly minted.
The pavements are not fit for walking, was surprised to see such poor engineering in India's  Silicon Valley.
So most walkers walk on the road and we too decide to follow in a single file, which meant limited conversation with my sister.
My sister showed me the site where some early morning walkers were mowed down by a speeding car a few months ago.
The positive was the presence of policemen patrolling the area, this was reassuring, kudos to the Bangalore Police for their constant vigil.
A young  biker skidded on a T junction and within minutes the police came on a motorcycle and began investigations.
There were more stumps of the  chopped trees , one stump had ferns planted on it, maybe a tribute to the dead tree  since it was Ash Wednesday.
The side streets of Indiranagar still retain their pristine beauty with trees which have still not met the power of the AXE as yet, the question is how long.
The trees around the metro route have been retained which was reassuring  exception I am told was when the poor tree stood on the way of the metro.

[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The city transforms from sleepy Bangalore to Vibrant Bengaluru!"][/caption]

The 100 feet road today seems to be a hot spot for chain snatching especially among women walkers and the police ask the women to walk with no jewellery.
This visit I accepted that the old Bangalore  was also dying just like the trees of the 100 feet road and in its place was springing up a Mega city.
My only prayer was that Bangalore still retain its soul and beautiful climate in this wanton growth of this once garden city of India.
RIP old Bangalore, Welcome to the World Bengaluru the new Global Mega City.

A quick link to my earlier blog post on this stretch of Bengaluru/Bangalore.