We all carry our baggage of failures, bitter memories, and more from our past which is like carrying a heavy bag as we trod along with the adventure called life.
We all know the lighter the baggage easier it is travel, the old adage goes "Less Luggage More Comfort".
Then what motivates us to carry this baggage of life with us, which we know will hamper our progress and inhibit the joy and happiness we are entitled to you.
Maybe it is time to drop your baggage of life and go forth light and with a free mind and with no worry of the past and into a vision of a glorious, joyful future in your life.
Start today by slowly emptying your baggage of life by forgiving those against whom you harbor grudge and anything else that adds weight to your baggage of life.
You will soon feel the difference and transform into a much better human being and will also have a more rewarding and satisfying life !