We take much for granted today as we race towards a digitally connected world, thanks to the Internet; the internet is less then 50 years old and has transformed every aspect of our life.
The telegram is dead in most parts of the world and its successor the fax machine is on its way out ; I remember getting my intimation for my job interview in the early 80's by telegram, fitting in a legible message with the least number of worlds in telegrams was an art. You paid per word for a telegram; verbosity was a luxury. Also there was the noisy teleprinter which was a dedicated point to point messaging systems and we needed special skills to operate the telex machines, these were known as telex operators. Later these telex machines did get electronics and a computer inter-phase, but even that did not save them from extinction.
In the old days you had to wait for many years to get a land line telephone else you went to a post office to make a call, long distance calls were known as trunk calls and were metered for a duration of 3 minutes, so brevity was the key to save on the cost. Foreign calls were also through trunk calls and it was a major event when a relative called from another country in the old days. Later on we had in India the STD (Subscribed trunk dialing) which put many trunk call booking operators out of work and you could call anyone by clicking a code from your phone, post office or a STD booth. Then came the mobile revolution for voice and then finally today we have the smart phone and even toddlers have their connectivity.
Today we use Twitter for real time communication instead of the telegram. We can address the world real time and share our thoughts , ideas and news. Voice communication has move to IP telephony, you can do a voice chat for free for hours in most places of the world through a Skype and a keyboard chat on Google Chat or Microsoft Live and if you like text you have the BBM and WhatsApp etc... Everyone is available on real time to send or receive messages.
Of course the email too has changed our lives, though it slowly losing its sheen to social media and chat rooms; email continues in business as a mode of communication, But on the personal front Social Media leads the way. Without social media I will not be able to publish or share this blog post.
Where does this take us next, the world is shrinking and the common man can reach to any citizen of the world on the digital highway, this allows free flow of thoughts and ideas and gives humanity a platform to share, create and agree or dissent.
This is impacting the world power structure as we have defined it, especially the pace is accelerated by Social Media and one sincerely hopes it will help break barriers, prejudices and makes us all global citizens of one World.
All this would not have been possible without the Internet and the waves of innovation that have ridden on it as the backbone.