Everybody wins in the Cloud, the service provider, the application developer, the network provider, the end point device maker and all the innovators who come up with a new idea everyday in the cloud.
Cloud is about Innovation and Excellence with a small investment to get started and if your idea is big enough you are all set to be a Winner.
When you compare the capital invested to the rewards by companies like Twitter and FB the poster boys of today your realize that no other investment has provided humongous valuation for such a small investment, The valuation hinges on the innovative ideas and excellence of delivery and savvy marketing to the end consumer.
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Everyone is a Winner in Cloud Computing ! |
In cloud computing you signed for Salesforce or Google or Zoho for free and got hooked and realized you could be technology illiterate and still add more value to your business and yourself.
The winner is the end user of computing who uses cloud for their music, exercise, health monitoring, sharing, pictures, videos , and crowd sourcing, suddenly collaboration is a breeze.
No rigorous training needed for the cloud and bulky manual as passe; the cloud applications are intuitive & they delight the end user and also allow them to customize the application based on their moods and fancy.
Cloud Computing has made access to the Global Digital Highway easy with almost no barriers, causing a headache for Governments to regulate their citizens. But the growth of social media goes on unabated and it is the medium of communication in many countries where other forms of media are controlled.
The advent of Mobility too has changed the way we live and work and interact as global citizens and it may be difficult to stop this growth.
Cloud has transformed into the new avatar of SMAC - Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud bringing in more power to the digital user.{Read http://cloudbus.blogspot.in/2013/11/smac-and-transformation-of-customer.html}
Every person who is part of the cloud eco-system has benefited, whether it is connecting with old school mates, changing the way government thinks and acts, sharing with family or even inviting your friends for a party and sharing the photos. There is no part of our social fabric which is not touched by cloud including virtual engagements, marriages and separations.
Cloud company valuations are astronomical and we await with bated breath for the next big game changer, and these are not people in pin striped suits but rather school kids, college dropouts and any citizen of the world.
No wonder "Everybody is a Winner Baby that is the Truth" in the world of Cloud Computing !