Showing posts with label raising the bar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raising the bar. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Raising the Bar

I was in a  meeting today and when my turn came to speak I spoke of the business school aiming to be better then the best business school in the world

There was stunned silence in the group and it was the I realized that I had raised the bar beyond  then the grasp of the audience. 



When we set targets in our why not aim for  the loftiest goals, why do we settle for the second best and keep our targets in our comfort zone.
Until I raised the bar it was all challenges from local schools, when the bar went global there was a HUSH.

 What is there to fear in Raising the Bar, When you raise the Bar you start seeing life in a new perspective and have a better world view and your horizons expand. 

Are you ready to raise your the Bar  ? 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cloud Detractors Need to Keep Away from Cloud Computing Conferences

In a recent cloud conference they were two Senior Technology Professionals who spoke in the conference and the general consensus of the participants was all they did was to Rave, Rant and Spit Venom at Cloud Computing.
People who attended their session were wondering how they had reached such Senior roles in Information Technology Leadership with so much bias and attitude against emerging technologies like cloud computing.
Raise the Bar not degrade yourself and the cloud 
These these two personalities were able to bring about a pall of gloom and disbelief  among the participants in this cloud conference.
Many wondered if  they had such strong views against cloud computing why they were invited by the organizers ?
Why did they take time off to use the forum at the conference to belittle the participants in the cloud conference and also show how petty minded they were..
Cloud Detractors Need to be Kept Away from Cloud Computing Conferences as speakers !
As a cloud evangelist all I can state is "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)", Amen.  
Source :
They can Raise the bar for cloud computing bu  not degrade themselves and the cloud computing fraternity, what we saw that day was the disruption caused by cloud computing in the minds of of the old technology brigade who are unable to comprehend and adapt to change.
Time and Tide waits for No Man, Cloud Computing is a reality so wake up you detractors; convert or
perish  into ignominy.