Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenges. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Raising the Bar

I was in a  meeting today and when my turn came to speak I spoke of the business school aiming to be better then the best business school in the world

There was stunned silence in the group and it was the I realized that I had raised the bar beyond  then the grasp of the audience. 



When we set targets in our why not aim for  the loftiest goals, why do we settle for the second best and keep our targets in our comfort zone.
Until I raised the bar it was all challenges from local schools, when the bar went global there was a HUSH.

 What is there to fear in Raising the Bar, When you raise the Bar you start seeing life in a new perspective and have a better world view and your horizons expand. 

Are you ready to raise your the Bar  ?