Showing posts with label driving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label driving. Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Road Sense and Governance

Every day we get into the real world and encounter traffic as we ride to our place of work or for pleasure.
The way people behave in the roads gives us a sense of governance of the place we live in. 
If people park where they like irrespective of it being a no parking zone or double parking, it is clear that they care two hoots for courtesy or the law. It is not that they do not understand the consequence of not following the law, rather it is the nonchalant attitude knowing well that there will be  enforcement. of the law. 


This is where good governance steps in , when the law is enforced and punishment is meted out quickly without fear or favor then you will see citizens who comply with the laws of the land . But remove the element of governance and it you will see its impact reflected in the rowdy traffic on our roads. 

A simple measure of governance and road behavior is easy to observe,  all you need is to observe how people behave in the traffic and you will find the  governance barometer. 

When I travel from State to State in India it is so easy to map the behavior of its drivers to the governance, the same applies to other countries too. 

Try this the next time you are in a new city observe the drivers in the road and you will understand the effectiveness of governance in that city.   

Do share your thoughts !