Showing posts with label Selling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selling. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Vegetable Vendor - Kai-Amma - in Ole Bangalore

When Bangalore was still a sleepy town surrounded by  villages, the villagers  would supply the Bangaloreans their household needs.

One of them was the Vegetable Vendor - KaiAmma ( Kai - Vegetable,  Amma- Lady) .

Kai Amma was a shrewd woman from a village known as Lingarajapuram, today a suburb or Bangalore.

She would take the first BTS - Bangalore Transport Service bus and reach the City Market in Town where she would buy the vegetables for the day and fill her round basket made of cane.

She would return with a full Basket of Vegetables for sale, normally she used to come to my home during the end of her days efforts and had a great rapport with my mother.

My mother would listen to her challenges in managing a brood of kids and as the main bread winner of her family and the mother she was also ambitious for the future of her children and wanted them to be educated and comfortable. Her wish was that her children did not have to carry the heavy basket to earn their daily bread.

Kai-Amma was a great friend of mine and would humour me while she waited for my mother, she would always give me some green vegetables which I could eat, my favourite being pea pods.  She would be tired and was glad that she could rest in the shade of our veranda unhindered.

She was a persuasive sales woman and would normally leave my home with an empty basket thanks to my mother's kindness.

She had in her basket a weighing balance and a collection of weights and stones to weigh the vegetables. When there was any special requirement of vegetables she would bring them from the market for my mother.


The interesting sales technique of kai-amma was  she was a person in no hurry to conclude the sale, plus she had the habit of giving something more then what you bought as gratuity.  She was also willing to discount on the price if she wanted to empty here basket and go home to her family. She would choose  the customers to whom she sold her vegetables and did not visit every home on the street. Neither did she shout like other vendors who sold vegetables and fruits, she did it in a dignified and wonderful manner, knowing that her loyal customers would ensure an empty basket for the day.

The vegetables were fresh, clean, edible and tasty and seasonal, she had a knack of arranging her basket so that the weight was equally distributed to make it easy for her to carry the basket on her head.

Her grit and determination ensured that all her children did well in life and not one of them had to sell vegetables from door to door for a living.

She was my first encounter with a women entrepreneur, Kai-amma must have died many years ago, but her personality and determination still lingers in my memory  and  I  wanted to share it in this blog post.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Selling a SAAS Software to the CIO

Today an old friend of mine asked me on my idea of selling SAAS software solutions to a CIO.
His contention was since I was a CIO  could I share my perspective of how to go about selling SAAS solutions to CIO's.


The CIO - Chief Information Officer is a busy person, who is more like a juggler who has to make sure that the digital infrastructure and solutions are working like a well oiled machinery for the success of  the business.
CIO is a busy person and it is important you have your elevator pitch ready to get your product into his.her eco system.

Pitching to the  CIO
Will the solution be useful for his business, does it feel a need that a Business has been asking for  a while.
If it is a new fad the CIO has no time for your solution.
Important for you to map the CIO with the benefits and advantages for your software product.
Remembers not more than 7 points .. that is all his attention level, so get the best first.
Here goes a suggestion of key points of interest
·        Cost of Ownership of our solution  is Low
·        Our solution Will work in any device and standard operating system
·        We have already rolled out three (n) locations successfully
·        You can do the pilot in a few hours on our self service environment
·        Can you please nominate someone from your team to check our solution.
·        we will give you a free trial for three months and lock in the price before the evaluation
·         You can customize the solution with your company logo and screens of your company

Managing the CIO
You might have found the CIO' attention but closing the deal has to be done surgically and with finesse at the shortest possible time, before similar product vendors come knocking the CIO's door.
You can move the CIO into buying with the right strategy !
Managing the CIO's ego is something of an art, we recommend a salesman who can do this and not a technology and product specialist :-)

Finding the CIO
Find out the curious CIO's in conferences and events or some whom you may know professionally, they are the  people open to ideas and willing to try.
Beware of CIO's who are good listeners, they sponge your product idea and try to build it themselves to keep their troops at home happy.

Happy Selling!