Friday, September 13, 2013

Message to the Children at the Junior School Prize Distribution

Dear Children I would like to congratulate you for doing well in academics; you have worked hard and deserve this recognition.
I would like to share a few important lessons I have learnt,
Do your best , in every task big or small.
Be punctual and courteous at all times.
Cultivate the habit of reading. books teach us about the world and open our minds to new ideas.
Respect and listen to your parents , be aware of the sacrifices they make to give you a good education and remember they always have your best interest in whatever they do for you.
Volunteering - Whenever you have a chance volunteer to help however small the task may be; this allows you to learn new skills and also makes you a valuable member of our community.
Remember that all of us are born equal and each and every one of us has the ability to realize our dreams; be passionate in whatever you do , passion translates into excellence.
It is our teachers who nurture our talent and help us realize our true potential.
We must thank our teachers every day for their commitment in teaching us, indeed there is no nobler profession than that of a teacher.


I want to share a story :
A little girl was watching her mother prepare a fish for dinner. Her mother cut the head and tail off the fish and then placed it into a baking pan. The little girl asked her mother why she cut the head and tail off the fish. Her mother thought for a while and then said, "I've always done it that way - that's how grandma did it."
Not satisfied with the answer, the little girl went to visit her grandma to find out why she cut the head and tail off the fish before baking it.
Grandma thought for a while and replied, "I don't know. My mother always did it that way."
So the little girl and the grandma went to visit great grandma to find ask if she knew the answer.
Great grandma thought for a while and said, “Because my baking pan was too small to fit in the whole fish”.
It is important to challenge belief systems and assumptions and make changes when needed.
In closing always do not be afraid to ask questions like the little girl in the story. I wish every one of success in achieving your goals and realizing your dreams.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cloud Computing in the world of VUCA !

Cloud computing will provide the comfort and stability in the world of VUCA ( volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).
Wiki source for VUCA :,_uncertainty,_complexity_and_ambiguity
Cloud computing is the right solution to help business in its technology investments and answers its concerns on the following issues confronted in the world of VUCA :

  1. Anticipate the Issues that Shape Conditions
  2. Understand the Consequences of Issues and Actions
  3. Appreciate the Interdependence of Variables
  4. Prepare for Alternative Realities and Challenges
  5. Interpret and Address Relevant Opportunities

Cloud computing also helps the organization to be prepared with technology enabled tools in the VUCA world : 

  1. Knowledge Management on Sense-Making 
  2. Planning and Readiness Considerations 
  3. Process Management and Resource Systems 
  4. Functional Responsiveness and Impact Models 
  5. Recovery Systems and Forward Practices

Cloud Computing will be the antidote for business to operate in a VUCA world, a world where leaders may lose in the mystical business climate and where money is scarce and risk aversion is the norm.

Business who adopt cloud computing as the engine for technology and business process empowerment will drive through the VUCA business era successfully, those who stick to brick and mortar technology will be vanquished. 

Are you ready to ride the Cloud to conquer the VUCA syndrome which is affecting the global business climate ? 

Remembering My Teachers on Teachers Day!

Today is celebrated as Teachers Day in India in honor of the late President
Dr.  S. Radhakrishnan who was a celebrated academic and today is his birthday.
Wiki :

Teachers are the single largest influence-rs of Society in the way the citizens think act and their value systems and attitude to their fellow citizens. 

In an ever changing world the teacher stands like a bedrock supporting and nourishing their students. 


Our first formal educations starts with the teachers who teach us in primary, middle and senior school, they set our future course and direction for excellence and a thirst for knowledge. 

Then we have another set of teachers in college at our graduate studies and then as we decided to pursue more knowledge in our post graduate studies and beyond. 

As we progress in life we would be lost without the guidance of our teachers, they are the singular beacon of light that infuse knowledge and thought in our minds. 

As a teacher myself I owe my giving back to my teachers who imbibed the quality of sharing and giving knowledge when they taught me.

Today I am connected in social media to my teachers who taught me in school and gives me immense pleasure to see that they still retain the zest and enthusiasm for sharing even as they get ready to fade in the sunset. Once a teacher always a teacher.

Let us take a few minutes to remember  all the Teachers who have given their time and effort on this Teachers Day and say a silent prayer of gratitude for their selfless service to society!