Showing posts with label nandi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nandi. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2013

Shiva & Nandi and Cloud Computing & CIO

In Hindu mythology Shiva is the destroyer and Nandi the Bull is Shiva's mount and is the gate keeper to Shiva and his consort Parvathi.

Every Shiva temple has a Nandi at its entrance which prevents direct view of the idol at the Sanctum of the temple.
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If the CIO is the Nandi then cloud computing is  Shiva the destroyer of traditional computing. Unless the Nandi moves the business cannot reap the benefits of the cloud and attain salvation.

Hence it is important that the CIO transforms himself as the mount for the organization to benefit from cloud computing rather then being the gatekeeper who will not allow the business to adopt cloud computing.

Is the CIO - Nandi ready for the transformation from a gatekeeper to the mount for the business to ride into cloud computing for agile and innovative computing ?

The monolithic stone Nandi Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh 

(length 27 feet, height 15 feet)