Showing posts with label markets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label markets. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Markets Will Bounce Back

The global economy will bounce back by end of this year, and it will be business as usual in the financial markets.
Many jobs will be shed and a lean and mean workforce will bring back normalcy in the markets by end of this year.
There is no alternative, if business as usual is not achieved in financial markets the world will plummet into a self destruct mode.
Political leaders across the world will bury their differences and make concessions and compromise their economies to put back the financial markets and the global economy back on track.
The good days will be back again for the survivors in the financial sector, for those who have been annexed it will be a new career, though many will return as the markets gain momentum.
The Bulls are the Losers , the Bears are the Winners.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Regulators Need Technology Leadership in their Team

Markets today are dependent on Technology as their backbone and with more exotic product offerings and technology driven trading solutions regulators need technology leadership to manage the market. 
With a changing technology landscape and blurring borders for trading the inherent technology risks multiply each years and most times the regulator is playing catch up.
Many Regulators treat technology as a Black Box and are more dependent of the exchanges to provide the required IT Governance Risk and Compliance for the solutions. 

A informed and fair Regulator is needed for any Game including Markets.
A cricket match at Mumbai 

In a dynamic market and fast paced world it is time the Regulator metamorphosed with strong technology leadership  for better governance and safer markets. 
Regulators Need Technology Leadership in their team for fair and compliant markets.. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Exchangebus - Crystal gazing into future markets

As the world markets move into a tizzy and southwards I dedicate my new blog to the world of financial markets.
Financial Markets are like landscaped gardens and need constant tending. 

The financial markets  are at crossroads and  the way we trade will change in this decade:
1. The basis or order matching may change, faster trading engines do not ensure best price discovery, the algorithmic trading engines have also peaked, the market mechanism will need to be overhauled.
2.Cloud Computing Technology will reduce the technology  cost barrier to build exchanges.
3. Trading may evolve from equities and commodities to  newer trade-able items like labor and resources in our solar system.
4. Regulators will be under pressure to bring order into the markets and traders will continue to stay ahead of the regulator.
5. Barriers to global trading will emerge, which may also mean  change in global markets we see today.
6. Risks will continue in trading, with gradual introduction of digital money and one-world currency geography will cease to be of concern.
7. There will be huge upheavals in the way we view global economics as we enter fuzzier and uncharted marketplaces.