The US Market Meltdown and the imminent austerity measure will mean a more prudent USA and a weaker US Dollar making imports and outsourcing dearer.
A New Era for Technology Business after the Market Meltdown
Some changes in The Technology Business will be:
Technology Manufacturing will move back to USA – In a phased manner technology manufacturing will move to back to USA as global manufacturing will not provide significant cost savings.
Software/BPO/KPO Outsourcing will move back to companies in the USA, this will affect the fortunes of companies in the rest of the world.
Renewed Infrastructure creation will call for newer and innovative technology solutions in traditional areas like construction and road building for efficiency and control.
Cloud Computing will exponentially grow in the next two quarters and will be the catalyst for technology cost reduction and business agility.
VC and Angels will tighten their belts, there will be many start ups closing as money becomes scare and VC and Angels abandon support. In some cases there will be forced merger of businesses for efficiency in operations and revenue realization.
In conclusion the US Market will emerge stronger and confident and Americans will get back their jobs and dignity.