Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Technology Product Rating for Software Companies

Technology Product Rating for Software Companies

As Indian software companies gear up to making technology products for the world as the next growth engine it is important for them to get their products Rated by an independent assessor who understands Technology, Risk and Business.
Technology Products need to Blend Business and Technology for their success and product rating needs to be done at the Beta Testing stage or after a few trial runs  rather than after time and effort has been expedited in acquiring customers to use the product.  
Rating gives confidence to investors, customers and users of the products and will form an important feature in product selection in the next phase of growth of Indian software companies
A Technology Product could be rated by using rating symbols given in the table below, where AAA is the highest rating for a Technology product and D is the lowest where the product cannot be assessed since it is still in development. Refer to the Technology Product Rating Table.

Methodology for Rating Products
The technology products will scored on four key parameters
1.     Security architecture of the Product
2.     Functionality of the Product
3.     Design Compliance of the Product
4.     Application  Architecture of the Product.
Each of these parameters will have a  number of sub-parameter with a scoring methodology which will be done using proprietary rating methodology to ensure uniformity and fairness in the rating There will be a Rating committee with domain experts to review the outcome of the rating process before finalization of the technology product rating.
The Rating will be valid for a year or until a major change is undertaken in the technology product which has to be intimated as part of the Rating contract.
The Rating will be a paid service and there will be an annual fee for retaining the rating, all ratings will go through a bi-annual review to ensure that the technology product has not undergone major modification which will impact its Rating.

Conclusion :
It is important that Product Rating is adopted by Indian companies if they want to capture the world markets for their solutions. As the world shrinks thanks to cloud computing services and SAAS based solutions it is important that Indian companies get their products rated.
Are you ready to subject your technology product for rating and get it Branded as the Best of Class product in the world?
Technology Product Rating Table


Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have the highest degree of safety regarding  security, functionality, technology and solution architecture. Such  technology products carry  lowest deployment and investment risk.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have high degree of safety  regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture. Such technology products carry very low deployment and investment risk.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have adequate degree of safety regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture. Such technology products carry low deployment and investment risk.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have moderate degree of  safety regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture. Such technology products carry moderate deployment and investment risk.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have moderate risk of non-performance regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have high risk of non-performance regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture.
Technology Products  with this rating are considered to have high risk of non-performance regarding security, functionality, design compliance and application architecture.
Technology Products  with this rating are in development and cannot be rated at this juncture.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

An Indian Engagement in a global world with a little help from Technology

Unlike many parts of the world  the Indian Marriage still take a traditional route whether arranged of the prospective partners decide to marry themselves. With the Indian diaspora  setting their footprint globally technology comes to the rescue again. 

Let us start with the matchmaking, it is more complex then the song in the Movie Fiddler on the Roof "Matchmaker", though the criteria remains about the same. Here are the lyrics to the Matchmaker Song :

After the match making is done mainly through matrimony websites dedicated for this purpose which are complex matching engines and then a number of meetings between the parents and the concerned couple it is finally decided and announce it is an YES. Then come the engagement ceremony, which is today's post.  

The engagement ceremony normally takes place in the groom's residence , a priest is called to first pray to the gods and then a contract or what is known  'lagna patrika' is drawn and announced containing  the date, time and venue of the marriage and is binding on both families. The bride's family brings fruits and sweetmeats and the groom's people in  serve them snacks and dinner and present a sari to the bride. And also the bride then wears the new sari and ornaments presented and then the boy and girl exchange the ring.

In a global world when the boy and girl are in another continent and the parents still want to continue with this ritual there is a challenge and that is when SKYPE again comes to the rescue. 

Skype supports low video and voice and is Free and so here is the Indian engagement in a global world. 


The priest and parents go through the rituals in India and the couple who are not in India then participate through Skype, they can see the event and also they can be seen in the large Television provided for this telecast. Then when the turn comes for the girl and boy to go through their piece of rituals, presto the action shifts to the Television.

Thousands of miles away the girl, boy and their friend and relatives have assembled to participate in this event, they do their bit by changing garlands, changing rings and whatever else is needed all through Skype.

The engagement is over and the food and sweets are served to the guests in India and the foreign location and tradition has won again thanks to technology.

Welcome to an Indian engagement in global world, with a little help from Technology and an matching time to match both time zones for all to participate in the event.  

We all cherish our traditions and why give it up when time and distance can be compressed by Technology. 




Thursday, May 23, 2013

Indian SAAS solutions can recreate the Indian IT Story ! BUT.

This week has been busy as I had to review a number of cloud based solutions SAAS and cloud hosted for a contest among Indian Software companies. Some of the solutions were outstanding in compliance, workflow,agriculture,  abstract word search engines, patient management, rewritten ERP solutions, content management, specific business vertical solutions   optimization solutions all were world class solutions and can be used anywhere in the world.
It is a wide open marketplace, can Indian Companies tap the opportunity ?
Photo Credit : Amitav Thamba 

BUT here is what these companies need to do to compete in the world market place
1. Declare the name of cloud vendor they are using, it is difficult to ascertain whether they are in the cloud or a traditional hosting environment.
2. Provide a free trial of your solution, with ability to regularize it after the trial period. Most companies wanted a big form to be filled before the trial, you have a few seconds before the mouse clicks away from your site. Grab the customer with a simple email id and a password like Google does.
3. Provide a payment gateway to sign up to your solution immediately anywhere from the world, customers that need a cloud solution want to start using it from the word GO.
4.The designs are good, but give some features to customize it for the customer without your help, ability to add  the customers company logo and template could be a beginning.
5. English is not the only language in the cloud, you could also provide your solutions in Spanish, German, French, Russian and Mandarin and Swahili and more languages to capture the world.
6. Your solutions must be for the world and not for India and India's problems, many countries who have no software solutions will be the fastest adopters of cloud computing solutions, target these countries.
7. You do not have an online chat to answer queries, customers need solutions NOW in the cloud and support has to be proactive through chat and voice.
8. Some of the sites were simple and effective, many still lean on Indian verbose, the English have long left this country, stick to the point so that the eyeballs of your customers freeze at your site and they empty their wallets.
9. Lastly keep up the good work, go social, you need a  social media presence to be discovered in the crowded digital marketplace. Get your blog, twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and more into place so the world knows you exist and make sure you use SEO tools.
All the best to you brave entrepreneurs  in making the difference to customers who believe in the cloud by providing them the best SAAS solutions in the world.