Monday, August 19, 2013

Secure Data in the Cloud and Internet are Misplaced Concerns

There has been widespread attack on security of data and there has been a clamor to bring back data into the data centers and set the clock back on cloud computing and the internet.
This has been driven by panic and a lack of understanding by many on the risks associated with data in motion, any data in motion is vulnerable to attack and capture whether encrypted or otherwise.
Data in motion can be in device and more importantly a network whether private or internet, the risks are compounded based on the medium in which data is in motion.
Any  government requesting data and data encryption security features like keys and algorithms do so to secure and protect the country. The governments primary business is to protect its citizens in a complex world run on digital technology and it is every citizens duty to cooperate with the government .
Do not allow your cloud computing plans to wilt, there is a bouquet of security strategies to protect your data.
There are  fears that government's access to Business Data will blunt the competitive advantage of the business and put it at a disadvantage. This is far from the truth, why would any government want to hurt business which is its main source of taxes and generator of employment and commerce.
Rather businesses that are open to unethical business practices and more importantly insider trading are those who may be most worried about sharing their data with the Government agencies.
The laws of most countries give legal access to Government agencies to business information and this is not snooping, rather the havoc created by cyber-criminals on business data is much more then what the government would ever achieve with your business data.
Another aspect is any data on a network is vulnerable including your data centers which connect to the internet and other networks, the features provided by cloud computing vendors for security when used prudently can give you a better security posture at a lower price point then what you can implement in your  business data center and networks.
This is a wake up call for companies to look at cloud computing with IT GRC as the first point of  evaluation; if you are already in the cloud then revisit your IT GRC posture.
A cost benefit approach to data security and the cloud/internet will help in overcoming the misplaced concerns on data security.
Finally if you do not understand the Information Life-cycle Management and data protection risks and the available solutions to mitigate them, hire an expert to help you with your IT GRC strategy to protect your business data and also overcome your fears; you will also need legal counsel to understand and interpret your countries posture on data collection. Freedom of Speech and right to privacy can only exist in countries where the government is vigilant.
This is an opportunity for information security professionals &solutions companies to work with business and help them secure their data and assist them in overcoming their misplaced apprehensions.
It is also an opportunity for legal experts who specialize in data privacy, information security and compliance to assist companies in getting their act together by educating them on the various aspect of the law in their countries.
We have nothing to Fear other then Fear itself,so get the right arsenal and take your business to the cloud confidently and securely.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

True Friends are those who tell it as it is !

We collect many friends as we traverse various stages of life, but we have a few true friends who tell it as it is !

True friends are those who have no qualms in telling you that your not doing the right thing and need to set it right !

True friends are those whom you can trust to give you a fair and objective assessment about something which is bothering you !

True friends are those with whom you are at ease in a few seconds, even if you have not met them for decades !

True Friends are those that help us shape our character, our career, our personal lives and also our values.

True Friends are those that realize that your purse is empty, but do not embarrass you when they pay up for you, they know it will be your turn another day !

Beware of Fair weather friends are like leaves in autumn who will blow away from your life after spring !

True friends are those who lend their shoulder when you are in distress, those who suddenly chat up with you when you think you have been forgotten !

True friends are those who demand you to do them a favor and command you to set aside an be with them !

I have a few  True Friends and I am grateful to God for having them in my Life !

Thank you my friends, I need no friendship day to celebrate our bonding, every day is a friendship day for me.

True Friends are those who will run the extra mile to be with you when you need them the most .

True Friends are not those who keep clicking their mouse on "Like" in your social media posts !

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="390"]Image True Friends may be like Thorns in a Rose bush ![/caption]

And one is a True Friend only when we value our friendship with each other and treat the relationship as sacred !

Goodbye Cloud, Welcome Services.

It it time to bid goodbye to cloud computing, the time has come to evangelise the three services offered by the cloud
IAAS - Infrastructure as a service
PAAS - Platform as a service
SAAS - Software as a service.

Are you ready to embrace cloud services

Cloud has been established as an utility - secure reliable resilient and trustworthy.
So the future is in evangelizing, marketing, branding and deploying the services that ride on the cloud.

The opportunity in SAAS has seen exponential growth making cloud ubiquitous for computing.

The next challenge is in increasing PAAS and SAAS adoption, this means shaking up the enterprise computing space, changing the mindsets of the CTO/CIO and the CISO  and the Cloud Strategist.

Are we ready for this, the next year will see the intense adoption of PAAS and SAAS as more companies shut down their data centers and move to cloud computing.

Are you prepared to ride the next tsunami in the cloud computing saga, are you prepared to deploy and support PAAS and IAAS operations.

The time is now to build the expertise and skills in managing these services in the cloud.

By the end of the year we will bid  goodbye to the cloud  and embrace  the services PAAS/IAAS?
Are you ready for the next wave in the cloud computing disruption ?