Sunday, October 21, 2012

Big Data - A new CBDO may lead rather then the CMO & CIO

As Big Data throws up more patterns and helps companies carve out new markets the battle lines are drawn on who will lead the organization in creation value from use of Big Data.
Will it be the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) or The CIO (Chief Information Officer) and if they work as a team who will lead the team ?
Big Data may not be useful for all Businesses but those who have large data sets and are looking for patterns in complex market place are those who may benefit the most.

The CMO understands his markets best the CIO understands the technology tools used on Big Data, but there is a vast difference in their approach to problem solving, skill sets and operational styles.
A CIO understand the business operations, the CMO understands the markets best, the CIO delivers the strategic intent with technology as a driver, the CMO delivers real numbers and brings in the cheque to make strategy work.
A difficult decision but any organization will go through a learning curve before the leader is anointed, in some organization the CIO and CMO may lose out on leading the BIG DATA Revolution and a rank outsider who understand Big Data analytics' may be the ideal choice.
Will there be a new position for the CBDO - Chief Big Data Officer  in the corporate landscape?
We will know soon as Big Data Adoption accelerates and becomes the strategy enabler in organizations.

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