Monday, July 25, 2011

Cloud and Religion

All Religions of the world including the atheist need a forum to propagate their beliefs and get more converts or followers as you may want to call the new initiates.
Twitter is almost organized like a religious body with followers and following, so now you have the Vatican and the Dalai Lama twitting. A great way got for their follower to  keep connected and also to attract new followers.

Cloud Adoption is the path for any new religion.

One of the significant costs of any religious order is the economics of propagation and sustenance, we know large sums of money have been spent by various religions in sustaining and propagating their beliefs.
Religions that did not propagate or convert are slowly dying, Zoroastrian religion more popularly known as Parsis is an example of a dying religion.
The cloud which support the social networks is one of the most economical mediums to start a religion and induct new followers, one could use Google+ which includes circles of influence and video to take the religion to the digital literate anywhere in the world .
Religion has always been an important social glue to keep people together . We will see new messiahs emerge in the cloud, may they light the way for millions with their new religious doctrine.
The Cloud will be the new medium like the printing press was for Christianity and the Bible! Many religious leaders/organizations continue to use the press for propagating their beliefs and holy books. As the Digital Divide is bridged the Cloud will emerge as the chosen medium to take the message of religion to millions of people in our planet.

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