The "Governance" issue seems to be the flavour of the season; I see blogs and digital posts commenting on the lack of Governance in India.
Maybe it is time for introspection on how we behave as citizens of India; We seem to hate any form of governance in our life, we hate to be told what to do, after all are we now free from colonial rule.
It is our privilege to litter and urinate where we like, and break the law whenever no one is looking, are we not a free country.
My belief is that good governance starts from the citizen following the laws of the land irrespective of anyone looking.
So when do we start using bins, if bins are not available we can carry trash in a bag until we find a bin.
We can plan our journey so the we need not use the roadside to urinate and finally we must learn to respect the law and accept that is made for our well-being.
We love to talk about lack of governance in our great country and complain about every other event little realizing that charity begins at home.
To begin with we could start by leading by example and spreading the word around of basic hygiene, courtesy and abiding by the rule of law even if no one is looking.
If we feel governance can only be achieved by policing, which means only doing the right thing when people are looking then we are bunch of citizens ready for dictatorial rule rather than democracy.
I shudder to think what our life would be under dictatorship, friend reporting on friends, relatives reporting or relatives and the dictator having the last laugh.
It is time we started governing our own behaviour before we talk of better governance, one small step by each citizen will cumulate into a Large Stride and keep Democracy alive in India.
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