Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It is raining, PDA,cellphones, smartphones, Slates, Tablet PCs & solar netbooks! Let us use them to enlighten the world !

There does not go a day without an announcement of a new device in the marketplace which will connect us to the cloud. The most important drivers of cloud computing are the economical and easy to acquire endpoint devices PDA's,cellphones, smartphones, Tablets PC's, slates and Solar notebooks.

This are the real messengers of cloud computing, they are the devices which allow people to exploit the benefits of the cloud be it in a social or business context. These are the tools that we can use to enlightent the world !

No longer do you wait to go home to upload your video of your holidays, they are uploaded real time thanks to these devices. And you may have millions of people all over the world sharing your experiences and learning with you.
Imagine what it can do for education, it can allow us to take the Khan academy http://www.khanacademy.org/  or similar great organizations to millions of knowledge seeking inhabitants of our world.
Imagine delivering the Khan videos in the language of the listener using a cloud based solution for translations, this is not science fiction but can be achieved using  existing computing tools .

Imagine an educated and empowered world, which is captured beautifully by Rabindranath Tagore in his timeless poem :

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
by narrow domestic walls;
Where the words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever-widening
thought and action--
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father,
let my country awake.

Here please interpret country as One world and a younger world without walls and barriers for learning and sharing knowledge.

Knowledge dissemination does not need two point factor authentication or other security devices, what it needs is an economical engine like cloud computing which can be harnessed to bring the world together as one country and one nation.

We must use  cloud computing to integrate the world  into one country like the steam engine did a few centuries ago for the very survival of our planet.

May may one day the imagination echoed by by John Lennon in his song Imagine will come true for our world with a little help from Cloud Computing !


Monday, May 23, 2011

Cloud Computing - A Powerful tool for cyberattack !

Conventional discussion on cyberwarfare has  dwelt on information warfare, though information warfare is here to stay which was validated by the cyber attack on Estonia in  2007 when the small country was crippled and the country had an emergency.

The Estonian attack seems like simple  influenza when we analyse what the cloud computing services can facilitate as tool for  cyberwarfare ; this would be an attack of  pneumonia or even pleurisy with assured outcome as death.

The key strengths of the cloud are what is every Generals dream for fighting a war:

1. Rapid Elasticity - The cloud will not go down and is designed to withstand huge demands of computing when required. This is like men in an army who never get tired and the number of available fighting men are almost infinite.
2. On Demand Self Service - Anyone need to register a domain and you are fine to use the cloud services, you will also need a legitimate credit card for paying for the services. Both these identities are a breeze for any illegitimate agency whose intentions are malicious. Anyone can play General if he has a valid email id and a valid credit card, then he has access to his cyber army.
3. Resource Pooling - The cloud service provider will support your applications even if it calls for a cloudburst, this is like an army general with infinite ammunition in  conventional warfare.
4.Broad Network Access - You can access the cloud services to mount an attack from any digital device which can access your cloud service provider. The cyber attacker could  sit in a cave and use the cloud services through a satellite phone to execute an attack.
5. Measured Service may be the only tool that may be a deterrent to a cyber terrorist using the cloud since any abnormalities in storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts can be monitored and suitable controls could be initiated. But if monitoring is not real time the General would have finished the cyber war before the measured service cuts off  the computing supply.

The  Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) would be the preferred cloud service because it gives the cyber attacker an opportunity to deploy and run any software including Operating systems and applications.  PAAS and SAAS  can also be used as auxiliary armoury for a sustained cyber attack.

The cloud is already being used to break codes, passwords and algorithms because of its awesome computing power. Imagine what will happen in case of a planned cyberwarfare.

The cloud can be used to bring down all forms of communications telephony, wireless, digital, satellite and any other communication like radio and television which depend on information technology. Once the communication is down the utilities like power, transport (air,sea,road & rail), power grids, power stations will be brought down; the list is endless and all this can be done in a short period by mounting a well orchestrated  cyber attack using the power of the cloud.

The cloud is  a two edged sword and is like the nuclear energy which can be a great enabler but also a pain as nuclear arsenal in the wrong hands.

The cloud computing resources can be used to mount an attack on citizens, corporates and governments or even international agencies everyone is vulnerable.

We need to understand the perils of the cloud and strengthen its soft & vulnerable underbelly;  outages of services providers like Amazon, Google and Microsoft should be a priority but regulating the use of the cloud for cyber warfare is far more greater.

We need to work together in securing the cloud; restrict access to the cloud to the bad element, so that we can preserve our digital  world for our children and future generations of mankind. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Cloud Fails - We told you So !

Whenever there is a cloud failure the digital world roars in thunderous applause - We told you So !

It is my privilege to write this blog on May 21st 2011 the day of the Doomsday.

Have you ever wondered how many failures happen in the enterprise data centers ; as a technology professional I believe there is never a chance for foolproof computing because it is not all about computers it is also about people, processes and the environment.
On a total solar eclipse day we do not have a sunset but we have learnt to predict and handle this situation !
Many will give the call "Abandon the Hype of the Cloud, let us get back to the old ways of delivering technology". Just like many primitive people did during total solar eclipses a few centuries ago.

The board of directors & business leaders  will be shown all that went wrong with the cloud & why it was a good decision for the business to stay away from the cloud.

So what do the believers do, pack their bags and stop evangelising  about the cloud!

Those who believe in the cloud should now increase their decibel level and make sure they are heard by the business leaders, leaders should be made aware that thousands of companies use the cloud including this blog spot which is for free, if one had to pay for this in a traditional way and reach  all my readers the huge cost would have been a hurdle for anyone to disseminate their thoughts.
The blog spot has always worked for me and so do the chat rooms, facebook, twitter, you tube  and lots of other stuff which we take for granted in our daily life, without which we will be like fish out of water.

It is time for some Plain Speak with our friends who believe the cloud era is over, here are some key pointers :
The cloud is an utility
Any utility fails, there are power blackouts, water outages, mobile networks fail so do the telephones, most utilities operate in a controlled environment and their outage is a rare occurrence.  The cloud is an utility and it is just gaining momentum and it is getting better everyday; it is only 5 years old and when compared to other utilities packs  almost 25 years of innovative growth when compared to utilities like telephony and power.

The cloud is automated
The cloud uses a significant amount of automation,but there are people who still interface and make it all happen. Automated systems do fail sometimes and  we get an improved version at a better price point.

The cloud service providers are getting better as Utility Operators
Many of the cloud service providers have never operated utilities in their life or for that matter have any expertise in managing outage situations in utilities.. Microsoft has a history of delivering software solutions, Amazon was a B to C retailer,  Google started as a search engine provider. We need to be patient for these cloud service providers to upgrade their processes in providing fault tolerant utilities and learn customer care as an utility.

Cloud service providers need to communicate with business leadership who are their real customers
Cloud service providers spend too much time focusing on technology geeks who will be the last to cede control of their data center. Cloud service providers need to address their sales campaign to the business leadership, the business leaders understand the value of money and will be tolerant with unplanned outages.

More outages translated into a more resilient cloud
Rome was not built in a day, cloud adoption has been a challenge, but many large corporates have transitioned to a private cloud and have benefited . The public clouds are the ones  who are always making the headlines be it Amazon, Google or Microsoft Azure.  But every quarter the cloud has become better and more reliable, for that matter the established cloud service providers are as reliable as an owned data center today at a much lower cost and  effort.

The cloud computing  publicity needs to get louder especially the Success
More has to be written about the success stories in the cloud, a Twitter, Animoto does not make a cloudy day, we need to cover the whole sky with success stories so that we  paint the sky with the views of the  "We told you So" brigade.

Cloud Service Providers need to learn Customer Management during outages
The Bad news about the cloud outage has been amplified because  the service providers have ceased all communication during an outage. This approach will not help  cloud service providers when the customer needs  clear communication about the outages. The service providers need to have a clear process on customer management during outages, they need to learn from other utilities on how to manage a crisis.

Enterprise data centers are attacked or fail but these incidents are not reported
The Sony PlayStation site was attacked again, it is a great opportunity for Sony to transition to the cloud.
Many enterprise data centers do fail but the outages are not reported; it is kept under wraps and not reported.  The Public Cloud service providers need to report every major outage and failure which is immediately carried by the news wires.

We need Rating of Cloud Service Providers
Cloud Security Alliance has done wonderful work on securing the cloud and selecting the right cloud vendor for the business. There is an opportunity for agencies to start rating the cloud service providers, is Gartner or IDC listening !

 The Cloud is here to stay and it not Doomsday as yet for either the world or the Cloud! 
Amen !

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sony's Security Breach is a Great Opportunity for Apple in the Cloud; will Apple make a bid for Microsoft ?

There were a few articles which stated that Sony's security breach highlighted the security risks of using the cloud. Somehow I just could not see the connection between an unsecured Sony data center and the Cloud which is run like a secure fortress. 
First my take on who gets affected by the disruptive cloud computing technology:
a. First are the companies who build data centers,companies who supply the racks, the power  equipment, the cooling equipment,  the cables, the storage boxes, the servers, fire fighting equipment, cameras, special alarms and other material  used for building data centers and finally the architects. Oops that is a large number of people who may be made redundant by the cloud or at least will need to learn to build and sustain mega data centers required for cloud computing.
b. The companies who lease/rent/sell the real estate for  data centers will have to find other uses for their buildings as cloud computing data  centers move to colder locations to save on energy.
c. Companies who are employed as Data Center specialists and also a large number of contractors who supply various skills for managing and monitoring data centers.
d. Companies who make software solutions to support COBIT,ITIL, ISO standards, help desk and call center management, server management and network and environment management and a whole lot of other stuff to keep the Data center humming.
That is quite a long list of affected people, plus auditors who get paid to do audits and a host of other consultants whose bread and butter is linked to building and sustaining data centers.
The list of affected people is large and and hence the obvious solution is keep attacking the cloud with FUD (fear/uncertainty/doubt)  by linking every cyber security related event with the cloud even if it has nothing do with the cloud .
The strategy is to create substantial news until people begin to believe that the cloud is the most insecure place to do computing on earth and an environment  invented in Hollywood by the directors of sci fi movies.

If only Sony had moved to the cloud the  benefits would have been :
a. If there was a security breach the cloud service provider would have been liable and not Sony. Sony would have come unscathed from the security episode.  Brand Value containment.
b. Sony would have had a smaller IT team  if it had decided to migrate to the cloud and this team could have focused on Kai zen.
c. Sony could have focused on its core competence of making world class PlayStation's rather then worrying about the security of its data center if it had moved to the cloud.
e. Finally Sony would have saved substantial cost if it had migrated to the cloud and could have used the money elsewhere in its business.

Here is my conclusion of the changes that may happen after the Sony security breach.
An old and loved American company named Apple will take on Sony by leveraging on  Cloud Computing.
Apple will become the biggest  player in the computing space by using the cloud to deliver content, media and games and also secure and reliable business solutions.
Apple has got the best endpoint devices in the world, the networks anyway is a commodity and ruled by the telcos, what is left is the distribution space where Apple already has done substantial work. By moving to the cloud Apple will reduce its cost, improve its security posture and also will focus its energies on building better media, games and applications for its end point devices
Apple will start by acquiring business solutions companies and Apple will migrate these solutions to its own computing platform and offer its customers a superior computing experience which will differentiate it from its competitors . There is a distinct possibility that Apple may make a bid for Microsoft; we will have to wait and watch.

Make way for the Future Leader of Computing in the Cloud

Disclosure : I do not own any Apple stocks and neither can afford any of the Apples devices 
I could not resist using Apples logo on this article and acknowledge that all rights on this logo are vested with Apple computers USA 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Entrepreneurship and Cloud Computing

Every entrepreneur is always short on money and loaded with ideas and innovation and the ability to take risks. Irrespective of the nature of Business technology has become essential  to reach out to a flatter world and also ensure efficiency. The Cloud is the ideal platform not only for entrepreneurs in technology but also in any business whether is advisory, trading, retailing, health care, niche services, tourism, teaching the list is endless.
The Cloud provides a method of pay as you use, or in other world replaces capital costs with operating costs, this eliminating  the uncertainty on technology investments.
The cloud provides most times a free computing platform for services like email, blog, customer relationship management, project management, sales management, enterprise resource management, accounting and other business solutions needed by an entrepreneurial business venture.
Thus any entrepreneur can start the business with the world's best technology solutions working for them for most times free or sometimes for nominal costs.
The barrier to entrepreneurs adopting the cloud is their diffidence in using superior business solutions for their small business, they think it is too much of time and hassle and it can wait.
"Getting it Right the First Time " is essential and putting in place a Technology driven Business will be a strategic & rewarding initiative for any fledgling business.
There was start up company who did not have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) , but once they  implement a free CRM on the cloud they could measure their sales efforts and act on the customer leads efficiently.
There is another company which uses Google for their email and office automation with resounding success and it is all for Free. So they get world class communication and collaboration tools which are normally available in large corporations. With Android tablets they look contemporary and they figured it is more effective then carrying notebooks to be connected plus they use the Business applications available from Android anytime and anywhere.
In a world driven by near instant communication entrepreneurs need to have the right tools and solutions to delight their customers and grow their business and their wish list will be fulfilled by solutions in the Cloud.
As the world looks forward to recovering from recession to growth it will the entrepreneurs who will bring the change and much needed stimulus to the economy and they will have the solutions in the Cloud to help them to make the difference.
Some of the business solutions they can use are available from ZOHO, Microsoft, Google and many more, they just need to get on to their browser and search for what they need.
The Risk Reward in using the cloud  is positive and provides significant residual energy for  leaders to grow their  business and nurture innovation and excellence.

How does an entrepreneur begin the cloud journey?

The first step is to take the companies email  and office automation to the cloud and also create a blog for the company, if you do not know how to do it take help.  Remember you have a business to build and cannot do everything yourself !
Once the basics in the cloud are stabilized then it is time to prioritize on what you need next based on your business, it could be the CRM , the Accounting package, the project management package or even a service process engine.
Once your business grows you will have to start paying the free service providers so please budget of these costs, remember they were your friends when you did not have the money and once your business has grown it is time to pay back.
Enjoy a rewarding  entrepreneurial journey by leveraging the Cloud  and remember entrepreneurs make the country's and the global economy stronger.